Albrecht Bäumer GmbH & Co. KG是德国著名的OFS-VT电脑异型切割机品牌,拥有国内先进的电脑平切机产品,主要产品包括:BAEUMER圆盘切割机、BAEUMER切割工具、BAEUMER海绵压缩机、BAEUMER砂轮等。拥有国际先进水平的万能拉力试验机、WIT的可程式恒温恒湿试验机,来保证公司的海绵质量,满足客户需求。
The Albrecht Bäumer GmbH & Co. KG has been a leading manufacturer of machines and plants for the foaming industry for nearly 70 years. The main focus of the company is on special machinery for the cutting, converting and transport of polyurethane foams and similar materials. We, as a medium-sized company, have been able to evolve from a pioneer to the world market leader in this field.